Metaphysics of the Non-State
Having been raised in the American Midwest and relocated to the Northeast, I have heard large swaths of the United States referred to by many as “flyover country” or “flyover states”. This reduces the greater portion of the nation to inconsequential data points, and lends a sense of expendability to its inhabitants. Chaff to wheat.
Having spent several years living abroad in the Middle East, I have come to know its people intimately. They are warm and abundantly hospitable. I have witnessed their ill-treatment and villainization, and the filter that has been broadly administered to ensure they remain “other”: faceless, nameless, inconsequential and expendable.
This series looks at the earth as a drone might: through the veil of clouds we see light and shadow, but we do not see the micro-universe that it covers. It and its inhabitants are an abstraction, easily consumed and readily discarded.

oil on canvas, 12 x 12 in

oil on canvas, 12 x 12 in

oil on canvas, 12 x 12 in

oil on canvas, 12 x 12 in